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Welcome to Gaia PERSONALS where Gaians come to meet people with similar interests! I (DivineSeraphim) decided to start this Guild after hearing about how Wonderful this feature used to be. Considering I am a new member I never had the priveledge of participating in Gaia Personals or any other deceased feature such as this. THUS, I bring this feature to you free of any cost!

Gaia PERSONALS is a fun and Free community where people may post their profiles to find friends with similar interests. Several features that Gaia PERSONALS provides are:

~Boyfriend & Girlfriend Personals: A place where you can post your preferences in life and what you look for in either a boyfriend or girlfriend.

~Gaian FRIENDS A sub-forum where you can post and review applications of people's interests and other interesting aspect of other Gaians. If you're looking for friends on Gaia, then this is the forum to look at!

~Relationship Advice A sub-forum for everyone who needs help with their relationships, may it be trying to reel in that guy or gal or just getting along with your parents. This is a place that will help you out 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

~Gaia-Groups A sub-forum where people can create online Groups or clans ^_^ Create or apply to join various groups created by users on Gaia!

~Gaian Quests Questing for that rare, expensive item? Need any help? Here you will find people willing to donate money and possibly items to help you out!

~Games and contests A place for all kinds of games, and the one you'd like to play isn't there, create it! Also a place where contests will be showing up, with prizes in gold and items, so check in often.

~The Creativity Hole If you like writing, drawing, making music or simply enjoy others creative works, this is a must to visit.

~A General forum for ALL discussion where anything may be discussed (within the ToS)

The BEST way to experience Gaia PERSONALS is to try it out for yourself! People will post pictures of themself and will display many interested facts about who they are and the people they are interested in meeting!
This is all provided to you for FREE by your residential Angel, DivineSeraphim ^_^
