[b:1ad17c30e1][Logo Coming Soon][/b:1ad17c30e1]

This Guild is for the Gaian artists who have tamed the wild medium of the Pixels!
In other words this is a premier and exclusive guild for Pixel Artists.
We gather here in ordere to share, meet,
and forge friendships and aliances through our common love for the Pixels.
Guild Rules:
1. To gain entrance you must already know how to create art from pixels. Granted some people will have more skills than others - but you won't get in if you have no skills at all. The PAG is not a place to learn - it is a place to grow.
2. Cordiality is a must. You don't have to like everybody, because we are all different and some people just don't get along. But you have to be cordial and repectful. Repectful of the person, and their art.
3. You must contribute something to our Guild Store (Coming Soon). Your contribution must be rare, and exclusive to the PAG.
4. Proper English is a must! In order to communicate we have to understand what you've written.
Although shorthand ("c" = see or "u" = you) is allowed.
5. Never, ever write anything in all caps! Personal Pet Peeve, and it will not be tolorated.