An empire once founded on its military power, this city used to be a gigantic metropolis with an amazing economy. Through the years the citizens, encouraged by their leader, made the city renowned for physical excellence in the human body. And over the years they exceeded human limits, they became powerful beyond comprehension, and it seemed that the city alone could rule the world with its might. Of course, this would never happen.
At the most powerful point in the nation's history a dark man stepped forward, one with no emotion in his eyes, the only visible aspect of his face behind his mask. With the combination of incredible physical power and the ability to use dark magical arts he invaded the ruler's personal quarters and challenged him to a round of combat to the death. Confident the dictator accepted his challenge and they began their battle. It took not more than a minute and a few horribly powerful blows from the challenger to completely cripple his opponent, and with that the man called forth a dark blast that blew his defeated opponent from the seventy-six story window. However, still alive after the fall the dictator began to rise, but his efforts were in vain. With a drop of his spired cane the man finished the job, leaving the body in the street as a testament to his power and newly found rulership over the metropolis.
The people were shocked by the event, but even more so by the changes about to take place. The city was quickly divided into the inner and outer sectors, those few who submitted to the new leader known as Homicide Party were awarded with residence in the inner city and more benefit from the economy. The vast majority who did not were set in the outer city, where life became hard as unmaintained buildings and poor jobs were all that would exist.
Still the people maintained hope as they were sure rescue would come by means of another country. But as time went on none came, and the restless ventured out to the desert wasteland that had surrounded the city soon after Homicide Party's rule came into being. They never returned, and those who had never reached a border. Finally the populace resorted to that to which they were best at.
Angered by these changes many of the powerful residents challenged Homicide Party, some for revolution, some for revenge. However all failed, even attacking in masses the people could not bring down their new leader and his two mysterious companions. Many rebel groups were formed, and are still formed to this day, yet none have come close to success. As this went on the inhabitants learned to fear their leader, and gradually revolution became a lost thought in the minds of most citizens. Now, as the people live their lives, competing like animals for a better life, the history of the forgotten empire continues.