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Welcome everyone to ~The Dimentia Roleplayers Guild~

I, Stryker Dimentia and all of my Guild Crew, would like to personally thank you for choosing to be part of our fine Role Playing Guild. We take pride in our Literacy in that we do not allow our Role Plays to be anything less than Semi-Literate. By Semi-Literate we do not mean that there are stringent posting styles, paragraph limits, etc., but, rather that we ask that you do not use chat-speak, TXT MSG posting, or terribly misspelled and grammatically challenged posts in our Role Plays.

We are here to help if you do not know how to write properly in terms of spelling or punctuation. I myself am currently an English Creative Writing Major in College and I am always willing to help my fellow members be better writers and role players. I am also an aspiring novelist and avid poet so I know what a well composed piece of writing should look like. So please do not hesitate to ask any of us for help with your writing abilities.

Here at ~The Dimentia Roleplayers Guild~ we strive for role playing excellence and we hope that you do too. We hope that you will join us in making role playing a fun and exciting way to enjoy Gaia Online as a whole. Role Playing does make up a fair majority of the posting here on Gaia, so don't miss out!

Let me again thank you for choosing our fine role playing guild for you role playing pleasure!

We are moderated by a crew of dedicated role players who know how to help you find what you are interested in.

Yours Sincerely,

Stryker Dimentia - Guild Captain, The Dimentia Roleplayers Guild Vice Captains and Guild Crew.

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