... “We’ve always been together, it seems. I could never imagine being with anyone else and if I lost him I think I’d go insane. He’s very dear to me… but Bella, I know you don’t understand why, but I’d just rather not talk about it, alright? I promise you someday soon I’ll tell you more but for now that’s all I can offer you.” ...'Tainted Snow, [ .beautifully tragic. ]'

To survive in this guild, you'll need imagination, ideas, and proper grammar...
Seriously. This is a literate guild.

...“Master Vladimir is to spend the next few days here,” she explained to the head butler. “You will all treat him with the utmost respect. And,” she added sternly. “None of this leaves the mansion; Master Vladimir was never here.”...'Summerhome in Bristol, Tchaik'

We include Art and Role Playing, although we mainly are about writing.

..."He spoke to her, too, after he faced her, and that was more than anyone had done. Normally they didn't even look her in the eye because they didn't want to see her, and if they did want to see her, then they didn't want to talk to her. It was also the way he spoke to her that she liked. Like he wasn't just talking to her to get what he wanted. Like he cared enough to want to respond to her cries."...'Alms, -epic!insomnia-'

We also may have some contests and lotteries in the Chatter Box section, so stay active and check often.

..."Pfft. I was not blackmailed.
It was more like persuasion. D:..." 'Nighty Night Nighty'

A little bit about the guild:
1. We're yuri/yaoi/incest/shoujoai etc. friendly. We welcome almost anything, so no flaming.

2. The Captain [Nighty Night Nighty] and Vice Captain [BunnyMaid] has a weird sense of humor. If you read some of our conversations, you'll understand. x____x

3. We like active members, so please at least try to post a week or so. It'd be such a waste if all those sub forums Bunny purchased went to waste, yeah?

4. The Captain [Nighty] likes to jump out of nowhere and post on unsuspecting threads. And call her Nighty. Everyone else does. xD

5. Want art freebies? We do art freebies! Want art trades? We got art trades!