A guild speciffically created for the aid, support, and community gathering of webcomic artists. This includes the artists, writers, editors, models and other crew involved with putting together a webcomic. Animators and their crews are welcome as well.

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*****When you guys submit to become part of the guild make sure to leave a message with the Capt. as to the name and url of the comic you are associated******


1. To join you need to be involved in a webcomic somehow. You could be a writer, artist, editor, model, character designer, etc.

2. Criticism and advice is only welcome if asked for or offered and accepted

3. Have fun and participate, what else is there to do?

The Captain is usually online 8am-5pm Mon-Fri, you may not hear from him til monday if you try him Fri-Sun, sorry guys

Feel Free to use the below image

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