Hello and welcome to The Land of Pealitha!

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Story Line

It is believed that there is nothing beyond the shores of the continent. On the continent are two types of beings. These breeds are humanoid animals and chimeras. These two "factions" are in a constant struggle for dominance, which they try to gain through land disputes. These disputes have severed the land into three types of areas:

• Humanoid owned: beautiful and advanced; these areas are filled with nice stone cottages and castles, due the technological advancement (and appose-able thumbs) of the humanoids. These are both small communities and large scale Capital cities - each faction has at least 3. Forests are large, but fields are equally as large. Deserts are nearly impossible to find, while artic tundra’s can be found near the capitals - providing a natural defense against invaders.

• Chimera owned: these areas are filled with beautiful forests and hardly contain fields, as chimeras are more in tune with nature. Deserts are also in abundance, as this makes a suitable environment for the reptilian chimeras, while tundra’s are a rare find. The homes consist of mainly small huts and fortresses, which are filled with small communities.

• Contested: both factions live there and try to eventually own the area. The geography is at best chaotic, as they border between territories. There are no capitals, but at the most there are two villages of each faction.

Both factions are in another struggle as well; they both wish to find a power that will change the course of history - a power so great that it could annihilate (or enslave) the other faction entirely.


1. Follow the Gaia TOS.
2. No Godmoding. (Ex: Auto-hit, invincibility, etc.)
3. Respect everyone in the guild!
4. Literacy is important! It's hard to reply to a post if no one can understand what you’re typing. Be sure to correct any misspelled words.
5. Stating where your character is important as well. Your character can be at one place at a time. If your character leaves a location and to another, be sure to state that in your post to let others know.
6. Being active! If you have a rank or is important to the guild and suddenly become inactive without saying so, your position may be taken and given to someone else. If you need to leave for some reason, be sure to post it in the Absence topic in the main forum.
7. Only crew members can post a topic in the Main forum unless I say otherwise. Posting a topic without authorization will be deleted and the one who post it will be punished. D:<
8. If you have any questions regarding the guild, please ask a crew member or me. Don't just assume...because that may get you in trouble.

If you cause trouble on several occasions, you maybe banned from the guild. Basically, THREE STRIKES AND YOUR OUTTA HERE!

Joining requirements
All you need to join is a Role-play sample and a reason for joining. If you read all this, post a smilie face at the end of your request!