Hi and Welcome to the Let's Get ******** Guild.

This guild was made for lovers like me.

Also, this guild was made for fun. And if you for somehow break the rules or do something agenst any of the gaia rules i will ban you.

~Some Of The Things You Should Know~

You must be an active member of gaia online

Looking for people with atleast a 5 posts perday ratio

Try to be literate

Yes literacy, whats school with out it. Try to use your learnings here and please, no netspeak. If you slip a little bit, it's ok, but try not to do it on a regular basis.

NOTE I will be doing a "spring cleaning" of the guild on December 5th, if you have not posted 5 times by then you will be banned from the guild. This is because I don't like having non-active members, I want only people who will actually contribute something to the discussions going on in the guild. Plus, why are you in a guild if you don't want to participate in it?

1. No GModing
2. No spaming or flaming
3. Do not say the lords name in Vain! any body who does so will be banned!! 3 warnings.
4. No racisim
5. Cursing is aloud keep it to a minimum
6. No killing with out premission of the other person and the person has to get an okay from me.
7. Romance is alowed but keep it pg13.
8. Have fun and lets all get along.
9. Follow Gaia TOS
10. Try not to make repeat threads
11. Dont start Hate forums for characters please you could say why or why you dont like them but please avoid posting 'I HATE ____ SO MUCH! same goes for those overly protective rabid fangirl threads.
12. No Chatspeak Please
13. Be kind to Mods and other members
14. Invite your friends. And tell them to tell me who sent them.
Bonus points for that =]
15. Try to post atleast once a week.. why be in here if your not going to talk?

Thanks.. Have A Great Day