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A place for all Animal Crossing players to unite!

..::Guild Rules::..

  1. Gaia's ToS and R&G
    Gaia's Terms of Service and Rules and Guidelines should ALWAYS be adhered to. Follow them or face the consequences. The ToS and R&G will be enforced.

  2. Conduct
    Be respectful to each other. Do NOT flame, yell, harrass, or be hurtful to anyone else in the guild. This includes guild members, moderators, and everyone in between. If you feel like you simply cannot post anything nice, then please just refrain from posting.

  3. Post in the Appropriate Place
    Each subforum has a description alerting you to what does and does not belong there. While Moderators do have the ability to move topics between the subforums, habitual posting in the wrong subforums by any member is wrong and will be considered spam. With the addition of the new subforums it can get a little tricky, but they're pretty self explanatory. Please use the subforums to keep the clutter down.
    NOTE: If you DO NOT post once you have joined, you will be banned. We do not wish to have a guild full of non-active members.

  4. Netiquette
    When posting in this guild, we ask that you do not post things like, "-blahblahblah-? PM me with the answer." The underlined part is what I'm pointing out. It's just plain rude! DO NOT DO THIS. If you really care to have your question answered, then check back on your own thread. Don't expect us all to be your personal ready-made answering service. We're already helping you by answering, we shouldn't be expected to PM you as well.

  5. Bumping
    While bumping your topic IS allowed, we ask that you only bump in a topic made directly for that purpose. Do not clutter an ongoing discussion.

  6. Attempt to Use Proper English
    We aren't English and Grammar teachers, and we understand that some people aren't native speakers of English while others simply aren't good at punctuation. We don't expect perfection, but we do expect an honest effort. If you are not a good speller, type your posts into a word-processing program and spell-check them before posting them. Above all, No netspeak, noobspeak, chatspeak, or leetspeak will be tolerated. Compliance with this rule will make life a lot easier for our Moderators and our regular members. Not to mention it will help all of us understand what the hell you're trying to say!

  7. Stay On Topic
    Hi-jacking threads and dragging them off-topic for your own purposes will not be tolerated. It is natural for discussions to evolve. It is not natural for them to take 90-degree turns on a dime into a completely unrelated direction just because you feel like it.