Greetings and welcome to the "Dungeons and Dragons Gamers Of Gaia".

Do you like to play or are interested in playing Dungeons and dragons? Do you know how to play or want to learn how to play better? Then this might be the guild for you.

We are looking for member to make our guild more active and exciting. We have plenty to offer each member and I hope that you decide to join and participate in our many different activities. We welcome all members with minimal experience and are willing provide you with the resources necessary to help you learn more about Dungeons and Dragons.

Things that our guild has to offer to you:

Our PvP arena:
Our PvP arena is relatively new, if you want to create a character and go up against some of our other members or even myself then this is here for you to do. I do allow betting on your fights under certain conditions so your battles in the PvP arena could even be profitable for you.

PvP tournaments:
I plan on hosting several PvP tournaments and other tournaments that could reward you a nice sum of gaia gold. Our first tournament is going on right now, level 5 characters with the grand prize of 10k gold and the second place prize is 5k. There is no entrance fee so it is a free shot at a nice amount of gold.

Variety of Campaigns:
We have a decent variety of campaigns to choose from in out Game threads subforum. If you don't want to be a player then you can choose to be a Dungeon master/ Storyteller and host your own campaign for others to join. If you don't particularly like forum play then I'm sure that you or somebody will start a campaign over a IM such as AiM or yahoo.

Guild campaign setting:
We have a project going on where the guild is making its own Campaign setting. If you like to create maps or worlds then this might be for you. There are many things that you could contribute to this project. If I like the work then I might even reward you with gold or gifts.

Arena Map making:
If you like to draw or create maps then you could be rewarded with a prize if you participate in this contest. I'm searching for good maps for the PvP arena to have official maps for members to use when they participate in duels.

Something you want?:
If there is a contest or something that you think would improve the guild then I am open to it and might even host the event or make the change for you. I am willing to do just about anything to make this guild more fun and exciting for you and all other members. So if you think a contest would be cool but you don't want to host it yourself or dont have the time/ gold to? Then I will probably take on the task for you. Have a project in mind and need space for it (such as a subforum) then I shall grant it to you. I am willing to do just about anything within reason to improve this guild.

Things to put in the join request if you decide this is a guild for you:
•Put down how much experience you have had playing D&D
•Put down what books you have(if any)
•(optional) How active you plan to be
•What level of interest you have in playing

*You will only be denied if you don't show at least minimal experience*

Thank you for taking the time to consider our guild and I hope that you decide to join us. If you have any questions then feel free to PM "Blade Cast".