
Hello, and welcome to LF, a roleplaying guild about young people with special powers. There are two different types of people, though. Loves and Fighters. Loves have healing powers, superior to any doctoring done by normal people. Fighters have the power to control the elements. When these two types fall in love, their powers are enhanced. They become a pair, called Love Fighters.

There are, of course, rules for the guild. Here are the basic, overall rules for the guild:

1} Follow the Gaionline ToS.
2} Be respectful to everyone in the guild.
3} Follow whatever rules are in whatever place. Meaning the main roleplay, or any subforums that are added.
4} No flaming, harassment, trolling, etc. (This probably fits in rules 1 and 2.)
5} Don't make pointless topics or topics that have nothing to do with the guild. There will be subforums added soon, most likely.
6} Do not link or advertise for other guilds here.
7} Do not make repeat topics.
8} Do not revive dead topics.

More rules will be added if necessary.

In your request to join the guild, you need to have the following:
1} Reason why you want to join.
2} An example of your roleplaying style.

Note that the homepage will be changed eventually. This is just the basic stuff.