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Okay so as the title says this is a Twilight FAN club, if your not a fan we don't want to here your s**t about how its stupid and crap. So please get out if you have nothing nice to say don't say it there's a lot of other forums that you can go to and enjoy instead of dissing. Thank you I Just wanted to make that clear.

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Okay so now that I made that clear. I would like to explain the actual point of this forum ^^

Okay so, When twilight first came out I thought fan girls oh my gosh this is going to suck so in the beginning I was one of the Anti-twilight as you can probably tell by my profile then i started actually reading it now it's actually really good. So i decided to make a forum for you other fans to talk about it in comfort without some a*****e Anti-Twilight interrupting and saying something mean.

You are free to Just hang out here and post stuff but as any other forum I do have rules!

No spamming
Please Keep language down..
Be nice if you don't have something nice to say don't say it.
Please be polite to the fans of Twilight if you are seriously Anti Twilight then keep it to yourself and just chat.
Follow Guide Lines of gaia
And have fun


[non hopfully I wont have to use this]

Welcome and Enjoy I'm Really hoping people will use my forum!