Long before the time of modern warfare, the nations of Senren, have been dealing with the struggles of war. Each Nation has its own distinct geographic qualities that have served in protecting the nation's capital, leading to the one thing each nation has in common. Every nation began with the belief of four worldly elements and each had a god, there was also one non worldly element that was believed in, Life.

The belief that one god was stronger than the others is what lead to the arguments between the nations, Each believed the other nations should worship their god, The citizens of each nation began to take up arms to attack one another and over time each nation has been improving their soldiers and tactics leading to stronger warriors and people who believe they can rule their nation better than the designated ruler.

At the beginning before the wars broke out all of the nations were governed as one single polytheistic nation that allowed and believed in the worship of all the gods working harmoniously as individuals to have created Senren, once individuals began gaining members for each god as a superior being, the one nation's main population was pulled to its' boundaries which were separated by god. The northern border was taken by the followers of the water goddess, Anverdas. The Western border was taken by the followers of the earth god, Varmag. The Southern border was taken by the fire god, Disegria. The final Eastern border was taken by the followers of the air god, Ensaria. The central area was kept neutral due to the haste and extreme followers pressure to take who they knew, those who stayed were almost pressured into being neutral due to who they were around as well as their need for protection from the now separated factions that existed around them.

After the two years of separation between all of the worldly worshipers they eventually began to move out farther than the boundaries of the original nation, however they all followed their original paths on the cardinal directions. The remaining neutral area did worship all of the gods but a group of people focused the majority of their energy to the Life goddess, Losias.

Each person on Senren has a raw amount of power that belongs to them, when and if they decide to devote themselves to a god or gods fractional amounts of their raw energy is given to that god. In return the devotee receives power from the god. The more energy a follower gives to a particular god the more power they will receive from that god, if a follower of five gods gives their energy out to all five each god receives 20% of that person's energy, it must be equal. As the followers of each god gave their power they all trained in the use of their powers which caused the nations to be geographically based on their god's power.

As each nation changed to it's god's elemental power they were named in reflection, the Northern nation was called Glacia due to the frozen water found in the lakes and mountain tops, the Western Nation was called Terran because of it's rough mountains, canyons, and cliffs, the Southern nation was called Inferas because of the many small lava pits that were created as well as the many hot springs that were there before the followers moved in. The Eastern Nation was called Zepheri because of the many strong winds that blew over the region due to the cool air rushing down from the Glacian mountains. The neutral region kept its name Polithesa because it hosts all of the five founding gods and also tolerates the belief of other gods.

The disdain between the nations grew over twenty years when each of their civilizations flourished and capital cities were well established. All out war broke out when random attacks on each nation lead to retaliation from all nations except Polithesa, which stayed out of the war directly, but warriors from Polithesa have lent their aid for a price. Over the past one hundred and fifty years Polithesa has been feeling pressure to enter the war due to fear of annihilation from the other four major nations.

The King of Polithesa acted quickly to secure his Nation as a neutral party to each of the other four kings in each of the nations. His announcement to keep Polithesa neutral was accepted by each of the other nations, but caused friction between the younger citizens of Polithesa because they believe their older ruler is being incompetent and ruling horribly.

Now another power has also been formed unknown to the five main nations, another, dark nation has been created. The god of Darkness, Ragose enslaved the minds and souls of his followers, breaking the laws of the gods, and creating beings tainted by his dark power. The island of Atrumak is where the dark capital, Kattivan, can be found inside the caverns of Mount Demuras.

Find your place within the world, are you against everybody aiding the dark god? Or do you side with one of the other five nations? No matter where you make your home, one thing is certain; you will be bound for war.

The rulers names by nation are as follows.

Glacia Queen Mineko
Terran King Gardon
Inferas King Vendas
Zepheri King Rijol
Polithesa King Odama

Donations go to:
Guild Mule: Ivalan

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