Continuing Story Line.....

The Aurora Castle was once the most highly recognized places among the vampiric community. Always bustling with new and old life day in and out, It seemed as if it were to eternally stay within the reaches of all that wished to lived within its walls. But as time would tell, all good things must come to an end. The inhabitants of the once glorious estalbishment decided to move on and leave the building to rot. Years have passed and one by one; each of the original occupants began to miss being within its walls. Soon they came upon the building's creator, Tabitha Ravenwood, and suggested renovating their home. She considered doing so and traveled out to what is now Florence, Italy in search of her greatest creation. To her dismay, the Castle was beyond repair. So, off she went; scouting various lands for the perfect spot to place her new home. Stumbling upon a beautiful Villa in her home country of Panama, she brought her workers from the previous construction and set them to work. Like Clockwork it seemed the builders worked, making sure that this place were to be as successful as the one before it. After a few months work, the Villa was transformed into an elaborate Hacienda-like Castle. Arriving at the building's completion, Tabitha was over joyed from what she beheld. Almost immediately, she sent out various messengers to search for the various friends and family that once lived with her under the same roof. One by one, they all returned to her and with them brought new adventure and people to meet. The Aurora Castle has been Resurrected. [/size:fbd5680a24][/color:fbd5680a24]