Welcome To: Reforging a Past, Securing a Future

"I won't stand alone. I won't allow us to stand divided." As the a new leader assumes the power and responsibility of the Soutaichou he finds himself left trying to mend a broken world. As a Vizard he was looked down up but now as he rises to reunite a broken realm, the once cast aside freak brings together a group of the most diverse individuals from across the spectrum that is the world. "We are different, opposites as seperates but when brought together we are the same. Together we will lay out all who oppose us. Together we will be one."

The Sereitei is no longer broken. While there is much resentment towards the new Soutaichou, many refrain from speaking out for fear of another civil war. As things slowly return to their normal, the Arrancar make their move. Seizing the opportunity to strike, they assemble their forces and make a made dash for the Sereitei. Standing taller then ever, the Captains of the Gotei 13 assemble their Squads and protect their home with their lives for fear of losing what they've worked so hard to repair.

While all this is happening, the Quincy continue to grow as a whole. Slowly but surely their army of archers rises ever more and they await the opportunity to not only assault the Sereitei but to assault Hueco Mundo as well. Gradually as they create a larger mass of powerful humans, they begin to seize control of Earth, instilling their most powerful members throughout the world gaining footholds in the most powerful of nations.

Conflict is rising. Tensions grow. Alliances are made while others are shattered. We need help, so what do you say?

APPLICANTS: Post an RP sample, why you would like to join and how much experience you have with RPing. Resources are welcomed.


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