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Ever felt like chatting about things, Ever wanted to role-play for long-term sessions, ever wanted some one to help your quest?

Requirements for the guild.
1.Be a respectful Gaian and somewhat helpful.
2.Be semi-literate to literate. Even I'm not perfect, I have spell check on my Internet.
3.Never beg. You can quest but please do not beg.
4.Have a fun and enjoyable attitude!
5. The most important POST! Please I'm begging you.

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1.Be respectful to all fellow members.
2.No god-modeling of any kind! I hate that, even in real life no one is all powerful.
3.Avoid swearing. It is okay sometimes. The RP's will have their own rules for this.
4.If you become inactive without warning, we have the right to ban you, You get one warning then bye, bye.
5.Once again have a great time!


A pirates life for me!-For those who love the sea's.
Blade of the immortal-not going to well only two people posting in it... It is about the comic book.
The military- Boot camp.
A ninjas story-Who loves ninjas? We do, Well some of us.

Banners: Show your love to the guild.♥

In need of banners.