[New Guild Pic and banner will be up soon!]


1. Of course, follow the Gaia Rules and Tos

2.If youre gonna post here, We like to be able to read what you wrote and not get ticked off, so chat speak is prohibited!

3. Please, be respectful to everyone, no flaming

4. 3 strikes and youre out.
--1st time-Warning
--2nd time- Demoted
--3rd time- Banned

5. If you have any questions, you can ask any of the Vice-captians, or Your Captian. We will answer your questions the best we can.

6. Everyone is welcome, you/your avatar don't have to be fox or anything, you just have to be creative or able to show up to chat.

7. Keep things PG-13 at the most.

8. Please don't cuss.

9. Feel free to invite others (entry fee right now is: 100 g)

10. Do not take anyone's art/writing and say its your own.

11. Vice Captains and Crew must check the announcements for any new changes to the guild or rules and just crew/vice captian stuff.

12. Last but not least, have fun!

If you offend or disrespect the rules/mods, the mods have the right to kick you out after speaking with the captain about the offense. If anybody posts anything offensive, the posts will be reported, and you will most likely get your account frozen. Please dont make us do that. To avoid this, DONT POST OFFENSIVE CRAP.