Welcome to Hogwarts! The school where once can inhance their magic!

For now this thing is closed.

Stuff happening now: Quiditch Tryouts, Sorting hat, opening of guild.

(These years dont count as your RP years. You can be a first year and your RP person can be a 6th year.)

1st years- all new members
2nd years- 3 month old memebers and at least 50 posts.
3rd years- 6 month old members and at least 100 posts
4th years- 9 month old members and at least 150 posts
5th years- 1 year old member and at least 200 posts (can apply for prefect job)
6th year- 1 year 6 months old member and at least 250 posts
7th year- 1 year 9 months and up members and at least 300 posts.

Prefects(First come first serve for now):
2 from each house. 1 boy 1 girl. They will be Prefects unless they are not active, resign, or get banned. If you are tried or do not want to be a prefect any more we will replace you with someone that is on wait for a opening.

contests and games
who are you?(personality quiz)
page prizes
bumb contest(bump with hp character instead of the word bump)

houes badges, prefect badges, guild bagdes, quiditch badges, and constume made badges will be sold at the guild shop(prices very)

(more migth added once guild is actually fixed up)