Welcome to the Official Mayday Parade Guild!

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This guild is dedicated to the wonderful, amazing, talented, and utterly awesome band Mayday Parade! Our goal is to bring together all of the crazy fans around Gaia and create and army of MP lovers! Discuss whatever you want here, but please follow the seven commandments

1.) Follow the Gaia rules! (that's an obvious one!)

2.) You can swear, but please keep it to a minimum! If someone asks you to stop, kindly do so.

3.) Keep it PG-13 or under please! MP hasa fantastic crowd of fans and some are younger than you'd think.

4.) Stalking should be kept to a minimum also! (though I'm not banning it because I also share a love for stalking my buddies.)

5.) Please try to keep on the topic of Mayday Parade! (although I know we all get off track someti- oooh! a butterfly!) I will create an off-topic category eventually so ya’ll can get your randomness out and we’ll see how much we really have in common.

6.) No flaming! Everyone’s opinions matter here and you can kindly disagree with them, but be nice about it.

7.) Have fun! That’s what we’re here for!

I’m not very picky about who I let in but I do have a few requests for your requests. When applying

-Why you want to join

-Why you love Mayday

-Favorite song

-Which albums/songs you have

-How long you’ve liked Mayday

-Any other important stuffs you’d like to tell us

IMPORTANT! I will have a thread called “Intros”. Once you have been accepted into the guild PLEASE POST THERE!!! Tell us a little about yourself.

Feel free to PM me (jeeves1729) if you have any questions or just feel like chatting. I don’t bite, really!

See ya’ll around the boards!
- Jeeves and the management