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The guild based on the RP, here comes the Demented Muffin The Guild!

The bar itself looks nothing how you expected it. You expected some beaten-down raggedy dime-a-night flop, a drunkard flying through the already broken window. However, this place looks warm and kept-up with dark wooden siding and deep green shutters. A sign that looks quite new reads, "The Demented Muffin" Maybe it's just fixed up nice on the outside... you think as you walk inside. However the inside is just as, if not nicer, than the outside. There's a fireplace with three couches, a beautiful mahogany bar, and a quiet section of tables and booths. In the far left is a stage for singers, musicians, and dancers. For now, there is a small radio playing soft tunes. You walk up to the bar and expect the owner to be a grizzled old man with a round belly and a five o' clock shadow. However, all you see is a thin blond boy who didn't look a day over seventeen. His green eyes were sparkling, even though he could hardly see out of them and he was missing his left arm, which was replaced by a silvery transparent, magical replacement. He smiles, his feline ears perked as he swishes his tail, and asks, "What can I get you?"


1. Follow Gaia's rules
2. No cybering
3. Keep swearing manageable. Just as long as it's not every other word!
4. Respect each other.
5. Go ahead and fight, but destruction of the tavern/killing without permission/god-moding is not allowed
6. You will only be accepted if you put 'Moosefeathers' in your reason for joining.
8. I am a god to you. My word is final and you will not argue it.
9. The crew will be treated with the same respect.
10. Hopefully, you were reading my wonderful rules so closely that you didn't even notice that there is no rule seven.
11. And now, you just went to look for the elusive rule seven... Didn't you?
12. Try to be as literate as you possibly can! "You" is not spelled "u".
Are is not spelled "r". And the number 8 is not a replacement for the letters "a", "t", and "e". In other words, a post similar to "u r l8... i pwn u" will be ignored and/or deleted.
13. NO SPAM. I don't care that you want a Nitemare Scarf, I don't want to go to your bar, I don't want to join your guild.
14. If it has nothing to do with the RP, please place your post in (()) OOC brackets.
15. Please don't have your character walk in and suddenly pass out without a good reason (And is has to be what I think is a good reason). It's disruptive and we've had problems in the past.
16. If your character is the type that sits quietly in a corner of the inn, you will NOT complain that no one is RPing with you.
17. PLEASE post things in their appropriate forums and threads
18. Any problems will be posted in the OOC and Questions forum or PMed to a crew member.
19. NO instant solutions. Come on, challenges are what make RPing fun!

I have the right to add and take any rule for any reason. When in doubt, please refer to rule #8.

Positions available:


PM with job application below or you WILL be ignored!

Character's Name:
Desired position:
Past Experience: (If you have none, that doesn't mean I won't hire you!)
About how long you've been on Gaia: (Because I'm nosy like that!)
RP Sample: (Doesn't have to be excessively long. A nice short paragraph should be good. At least seven sentences. I'm willing to go smaller if they're desciptive.)
Favorite Drink:

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