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This guild is for the asatruars of gaia. Asatru is the pre-christian religion of the northern indo-europeans. It was the religion of the vikings and saxons. We as asatruars carry the spirit of our ancestors and must work hard to revive forn sidr. We are a strong independent people who do not bow before our gods but stand bodly before them and honour them with pride. This is more than a religion, it is a way of life. And this was of life is not for the sheepish or faint of heart; it is for the bold and couragous. This is not just for the physical warriors but also for the emotionaly strong. We are heathen, we are wild and untamable, we are free. This guild is also to educate those who do not know of asatru.

Anyone of any religion who wants to join may join but I do have rules and I expect them to be followed. These rules are:

1)FOLLOW THE GAIA TOS. I should not have to explain this one.

2)BE POLITE. No flamming whatsoever and be courtious in debate.

3)NO FORCING YOR OPINIONS OR BELIEFES. If you want to debate then go ahead, I encourage it, but be aware that not evryone will think like you do. If you have a diffrent religion then thats okay but do not try to convert anyone.

4)ABSOLUTELY NO RACAIL SUPREMECY. If I see this from anyone then they will be banned without warning.

First violation of the first three and the violators will be warned; second violation will be banment. I should not have to repeat myself. Violation of the fourth is automatic banment; asatru accepts evryone as so will this guild.

If you do not know about asatru and want to learn more then here are some links:

