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If you are a fan of the hit game Chrono Trigger for the Super Nintendo, or the remake for the Playstation (released in Final Fantasy Chronicles), this is the guild for you. Come and find what you've been looking for in Gaia!

But keep in mind: You do NOT have to be an expert on Chrono Trigger in order to join the Official Chrono Trigger Guild! You can find people here who are just playing Chrono Trigger for their first or second times, and there will even be a thread to help you with the game!

IMPORTANT: If you think the fee of 100 gold is too much to afford at this time, please don't just walk away from the guild. If you really want to join, but don't have the gold to spare, please PM me (Eagle 1) and tell me why I should give you the 100 gold. I won't turn down many requests, and I'll do the best I can to get everyone interested in Chrono Trigger into this guild.

If you are already a member, thanks for making this guild as great as it is. If you are looking to become a member, just click "request to join" near the top of your screen! I hope you enjoy being a part of the Official Chrono Trigger Guild.

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Attonitus - "It wasn't me, seriously!"
ayukichan - "I think I got it right..."
shippou21 - "Who's snoring shook the school in math class? That's right, ME!"
PrinceWatercress - "I am the expert of Chrono Trigger!"
Kara Kazeneko - "Life can be like a game sometimes, but there's no reset button..."
Lorlome - "If you must, then by all means...but if I must, then I want a new leader."
guyverchronos21 - "Death is nothing but another path of life of which we have no option but to take."
Angiro - "I would die a thousand deaths just to be with you."
Lucca Ashtear - "Oooooh! Shiny! Shiiiiiiiny..."
Robayn - "The willow knows what the storm does not: that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it."
Query - "King's to you, Fernand."
crono2222 - "True skill comes with out effort."
Alezunde - "Why would you even try the soda guzzling contest? It only gives you like, 5 silver points. Actually, I don't remember how many it gives you - but it's not worth the effort."
Trenn Flashkill - "Never ready, but always willing."
Dragonsnight - "Fear the might of a Frog scorned!"
Zero_1993 - "Only the dead have seen the end of war."
SaitoKojima - "Wow... wasn't that 17000 Gil I just spent for that night at the Inn? Christ what a bitchy bartender!"
Michelle Chiba - "I Love Janus and He Loves Me!"

User Image
Updated 4/6/2005
Welcome, one and all, to the Official Chrono Trigger Guild!

What's New:

Weird thing, I think the URL of this guild changed. I had it bookmarked, and when I tried to access it that way I got that ol' "404 Not Found" message. I had to access the guild through the Gaia Guild Registry. Needless to say, I was very worried for a little while. But, the guild is obviously still around, so it's all good in the hood.


First and foremost, I feel it is necessary to introduce myself and my crew, who you will hopefully all be getting to know in due time.

Eagle 1: Captain
My true name is Evan, but you can call me Eagle 1. Whatever you feel more comfortable with. I am a 20 year old male from New York. I joined Gaia in November '04, and I've been pretty active since my arrival. I immediately began building funds for the Chrono Trigger Guild, and with the help of a few dedicated fans I was able to start the guild in about two weeks! I love Chrono Trigger more than any other game, story, or book, and I can't help but hope for it's re-release in the near future. Or at least a GBA release so I can play it EVERYWHERE! Ok, I think that's enough of me for now...I'll update this eventually. You can read my Gaia journal if you want to know anything else about me. You guys rock!!!

Ayukichan: Crew
Ok, though I use a female avi on Gaia, I'm by no means a girl (I said that because, like the rules imply, I do not want any cybersex). I'm a 20 year old college student hoping to succeed in my 4th term, yada yada. I've played CT through a few times, but I love every bit of it, and I hope to play through it again as soon as I'm done with the Zelda Oracle games and
Metroid Prime 2. I'll update this soon when I'm not busy, so please keep a lookout. Thank you!

Query: Crew
Hello, all. My name's Query, also known as David to some. I'm 18, a senior in High School, and I love gaming in virtually any form. That said, Chrono Trigger is one of the best games I have ever played, and I have had a blast in this Guild from day 1. I am also a huge music buff, and I remix some music on the side, though I haven't had any that was very good yet. I'm looking forward to working with all of you, and I hope to see you in person (or at least in avatar) soon! Have fun!


Now that introductions are out of the way, let's get to the good stuff...the rules!

Personally, I am not a big fan of rules. However, I feel there must be some order in this Guild. I would like the Official Chrono Trigger Guild to be as civilized as possible, and in order to "keep the peace," I've come up with a few ground rules for you to follow.

Rule #1:Please follow all Gaian general rules. If you are new to Gaia, please read these rules and guidelines. To summarize, keep the forums PG-13. No one is going to get on your case about minor infractions, but don't engage other members in cyber sex, please! It can seriously offend other members.

Rule #2: No excessive cursing or flaming. If there is anything I hate, it is rudeness. I, nor my crew, will tolerate consistent rudeness from ANY member of the Guild. You are free to have heated debates about Chrono Trigger, it's characters, etc. But please do not personally attack any member of the Guild, as it can seriously offend the person you are verbally abusing, as well as other members younger than you.

Rule #3: Have fun! I want your experience with this guild to be a fun one, just as Chrono Trigger has brought joy to people around the world.

If I feel any other rules are necessary, I will add them at a later date.

You guys rock!!!

Any Chrono Trigger fan's biggest fan,
Eagle 1</center>