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Welcome to Phenomenon

Where we won't calm down. Where we won't change who we are. Where we don't settle for the normal. Where we celebrate ourselves.
Where we cause scenes.

Flash Mob:
A large group of people who assemble suddenly, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse.

At Phenomenon we bump threads as a group in the most erratic, ridiculous, and silly ways as we can think of. In the process winning contests, achieving new ranks, making new friends, and generally having fun. The threads that we pick have had a lot of work put into them and deserve more popularity than they are getting. We are for hire, but the jobs will be discussed among all of the guild. If you have a request please pm it to our mule (See bottom of page)

Here we strive for the best sense of community you will ever find. Join us, where you will be happily excepted. We won''t try to change you, because we wouldn't have you any other way.

Our Guild Mule
Please send your donations in a trade to our mule. We'd love your donations, even if it's just junk you want cleared out of your items.