Welcome to the heavens above to Crystal Castle were wishes are granted and were you relax in our luxuries comodaties and we do the rest and of course many things to do you have here in our great heavenly kingdom. we the people are one and all united as one we create a better world wich is not fragile but strong. we hope you enjoy our great and lovely guild for what it is and not for what it is worth so i with open arms welcome you to our most precious guild.

Crystal Kingdom Rules
1. you have the upmost freedom of speach you may open up to say what you wish.
2. feel free to start a thred on what ever subject you wish but make it appropriet for our guild PG13.
3. make this guild the best.

Crystal kingdom Ranks:

We welcome all of our beloved gaians so come all and one to join our guild and live in the place of joy and love and all that is luxuries in your surroundings.

Castle Interior:
The first room that is currently availible is the grand Hall of Dreams were you relax and enjoy the nice scenery and take in that nice fresh waterfall air.

The second room that is also currently availible is the Diamond Spa were you get pampered and adored by our staff. from nails to hair we do it all.

The third room currently availible is the Crystal Courtyard were our nice fountains and great dragons and birds play while you sit, walk, talk, or even swim in the nice crystal clear water.

Other rooms will be revealed soon.