W E L C O M E and R U L E S
gaia_star R E S O U R C E S gaia_star D O N A T E

gaia_star Current Event
Join us for Autumn Antics!

September 14th - 28th, 2024!

gaia_star Previous Events
  • August 9 - 30, 2024 NSTG Carnival

  • June 30-July 7, 2024 NSTG Solstice Celebration

  • April 21-May 12, 2024 Spring Pot Luck

  • February 11-24, 2024 Philautia Valentine Event of self love

  • January 14-20, 2024 14th Annual Spirit Week

  • December 15-31, 2023 14th Annual Festival of Lights

  • October 15-November 1, 2023 NSTG Halloween Town

  • September 14-24, 2023 Autumn Rewards

  • August 5-26, 2023 NSTG Charity Superheroes Event

  • July 1-10, 2023 NSTG Fireworks Frolic

  • June 10-24, 2023 Starry Nights June Solstice Event

  • May 1-14, 2023 May Frolic

  • April 8-22, 2023 NSTG Easter Cruise Event

  • February 11-27, 2023 nstg i heart radio Valentine's event

  • January 15-21, 2023 NSTG 13th Annual Spirit Week

  • December 16-26, 2022 NSTG 13th Annual Festival of Lights

  • October 15 - November 20, 2022 NSTG Pumpkin Party

  • August 5-28, 2022 NSTG Zodiac Battle

  • June 11-26, 2022 NSTG's Cosmic Adventure

  • April 10 - 20, 2022 Springsational Zoo

  • February 10 - 20, 2022 Land of Friends

  • January 15 - 22, 2022 12th Annual NSGT Spirit Week

  • December 11 - 27, 2021 12th Annual Festival of Lights

  • October 16 - 31, 2021 Aliens Invade NSTG Halloween Event

  • August 6 - 22, 2021 Space Race Summer Competition

gaia_star How to Join

    Click the Join Guild button at the top of the screen, and you'll be taken to a form where you can explain why you want to join and how you found us!

gaia_star Who We Are

    Our mission is to provide a safe and educational environment for the fostering of newbies to productive Gaians. We welcome Gaians from all walks of life and levels of experience. Since January 4th, 2005, we have answered thousands of questions, donated billions of gold, and befriended countless Gaians.

    The NSTG is a place where newbies on Gaia can find the assistance, friendship, and donations they need when starting their Gaia journey. We are a community of friends, and we are dedicated to serving all of our members with the highest levels of professionalism, kindness, and respect.

    We welcome you to join our family today!

gaia_star Inside the Guild

    We have a zero-tolerance policy against those who violate the Terms of Service within the guild, which keeps you safe at all times. Please familiarize yourself with our Official Rules and check out our Welcome Post, which directs you to some important places in the guild.

    Do you seek assistance? Check out our extensive Resources Subforum, which hosts dozens of relevant, helpful guides, including our famous Newbie FAQ. If you’d like to ask a quick question about Gaia, please check out our Questions and Assistance Subforum.

    Do you seek donations? Check out our Charities, Contests, and Games Subforum, where generous NSTGers give back to the community, or our Item Quests Subforum, where you can solicit donations for your dream avatar. Also, our Minishops Subforum features some awesome artists who sell their work at a discounted price.

    Do you seek community? You've come to the right place. Our Chatterbox Subforum offers fun discussions and miscellaneous topics, including our Birthday Thread. We encourage everyone to take part in the Active Members Raffle, which rewards those who post actively every month, and for the creative spammers among us, we have an extensive Word Games Subforum. Finally, we host numerous Seasonal Events throughout the year, which provide fantastic opportunities for making friends and earning some amazing prizes.

gaia_star Give Us Kudos

    Click here to learn how to show us some love for just a few minutes of your time. Thank you!

star Our Spotlight History

    We are super grateful to Gaia's Administration, who has wonderfully granted us blurbs on the homepage, community announcements, Gaia Blog posts, and Kickstarters in order to bring newcomers to these past events

    • Tears of the Sea, September 2018
    • Fables and Fairytales, July 2017
    • The Sun and Other Stars, July 2016
    • Community Spotlight, October 2014
    • The Tri-Town Showdown, September 2014
    • Shipwrecked, August 2013
    • Camp NSTG, August 2012
    • Festival of Lights, December 2011
    • Summer Treasure Hunt, August 2011
    • Summer Luau, August 2010
    • Summer Luau, August 2009

gaia_star Sponsors and Friends

    For a complete list of our affiliates, please click here.

    If you wish to donate to the guild, please don't submit gold/platinum to this page using the form below; we can only use it for guild announcements and the creation of subforums. If you wish to see your gold go towards the community itself in the form of donations and prizes, please send your donation to the NSTG Treasurer. Thank you very much!