A large castle is in view on top of an island populated by a forest. This island like all of the others floats in a vast sea of nothingness. However, thousands of stars shine over head in the background of the moon which acts both during the day and night as the sole source of light. The castle having been the home of the royal family for centuries is the center of the realms hierarchy. The realm was created when several clans with foundations in most powerful magics decided they could no longer live side by side and split off to form their own realms.


1. No cussing
2. No cybering
3. No killing each other
4. No vandalizing the property/gravestones etc.
5. No harassing anyone
6. This guild does not accept join requests. You can join if you are a resident, frequent visitor or have a good reason, were I will send you a join request.
7. Don't stick your head between the cemetery gate bars.

I may update this list at any time if any situations arise were I must make a rule. Anyone breaking a red rule will get automatic banishment from the realm (As in taking away public posting privileges)

A new section of the darkness realm will be opening in the future. The main city, Sarith.