Welcome, I am taking you back to Mount Olympus, it has been abandoned for years untill now.....
this is a role-playing guild. Each member is a god/ goddess
I am Mother Earth, I rule over every god/goddess.
Here are choices of Olympians

Zeus:Ruler of Olympus
Hercules: Zeus's son/ super strong
Hades:Ruler of the Underworld/zeus's brother
Poseidon:Ruler of the ocean
Charon:boatman to underworld/collects fees for rides
Ares:the god of war
Eros: cupid/Aphrodite's son
Apollo: drives sun across the sky
Hermes: Zeus's messenger
Sisyphus:was sent to hades/ has power to seduce

Hera: Zeus's 1st wife
Amphitrite razz osiedon's wife/ sea nymph
Persephone: Hades wife
Demeter: goddess of plants and harvest
Aphrodite: goddess of love and beauty/Ares wife
Harmonia: brought back peace after war/ Aphrodite's daughter
Athene:Zeus and metis's daughter/goddess of wisdom and war
Metis: Zeus's 2nd wife
Artemis biggrin rove moon around sky
Thetis:nereid/nymph sea goddess

Everyone is welcome to join! p.m. me to ask for position, you only can get god/goddess if you join guild.