We are grunnies of gaia, here to dominate the world!!! GRUNNIES ONLY in this Guild. We are all siblings and will dominate everything we seeee.

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Are you a green rabbit with vicious red eyes and an intention to eat the person next to you? Do you feel left out? Do you wish you could meet and hang with people that are like you? Then you come to the right place, Grunny!
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We Are 239 Grunnies Strong and growing every day!
Here at Grunny Virus, we invite all who own a Grunny to join forces and help us take over Gaia! It's a place where you can meet with other Grunnies to talk, chat, make friends, and have fun. We will also hold contests and give away prizes grunny related. So don't just sell that grunny, use it and come hang out with us!
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1)You MUST have a grunny. No grunny=no acceptance into the guild. Please state whether you do or do not have a Grunny when asking admittance.

2)Respect ALL in the guild and be nice. NO fighting or you WILL be removed permanently.

3)Have fun. Don't disrespect Gaians for they are like us. Beware of SOME (not all) noobs.

ATTENTION!!!! DO NOT DONATE ANYMORE GOLD THROUGH THE GUILD DONATION SYSTEM. If you wish to donate to the guild, donate to the Guild's mule account ( L-Grunny_VIRUS-L )so that the gold may be used for other things such as prizes for contests and games. We have plenty of gold in the Guild bank. Thank you!