Sleep deprivation and caffiene. Constant watchfulness and danger lurking in every alley. Scary situations, close calls, and brutal fights. All of these things make up everyday life for a vampire hunter, so it's no wonder they tend to crack after a while.

Sometimes every person they see seems to grow fangs so they attempt mass murder; sometimes they're stuck in their room, afraid to go out, easy prey for a vengeful vampire. In any case, they are either a danger to society, a danger to themselves, and in danger from those around them.

Thankfully, in appreciation for their brave services, there exists the Transylvanian Fund Retirement Home, a nonprofit organization that takes in needy vampire hunters past their prime. Too old and drugged to fight, they cannot defend themselves, so the home graciously allows them to stay. The facility is ringed by top-of-the-line UV spotlights, the only thing vampires fear, and has the highest security money can buy. Residents enjoy a view of the vast wilderness around them, except for at night when the vampires who followed them stare back.


I'm afraid you will have to rely on force of personality rather than sex appeal. Sorry. Although you know, some of those old people are pretty hot. =J

No bashing old people.

For instance, almost everyone has teeth, and some of those who do not have teeth lost them in violent ways and do not like to talk about it. Nor is everyone over eighty-five senile; in fact, very few are. Also, many of the older people still fairly in shape.

Do your research.
Even if it's just stopping by and reading the introduction. Not everyone is schizophrenic or has dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities) or is a psychopath, and if they are please know that there are several types of schizophrenia, not all of which include hallucinations, and that most of the times the hallucinations are auditory, not visual.

For your convenience, here is a doubtlessly non-comprehensive list of disorders, all of which have articles on Wikipedia. Just pick one that looks interesting. They are listed by article name, not common name (for example, "dissociative amnesia" instead of "amnesia" wink .

-Severe phobias
-General anxiety disorder
-Bipolar disorder
-Body dysmorphic disorder
-Eating disorders
-Clinical depression
-Intermittent explosive disorder
-Obsessive-compulsive disorder
-Panic disorder
-Post-traumatic stress disorder (Complex version for severity)
-Social phobia
-Substance abuse
-Compulsive hoarding
-Da Costa's syndrome
-Hyperventilation syndrome
-Self injurious behaviour (cutting)
-Selective mutism
-Dissociative identity disorder
-Dissociative fugue
-Dissociative amnesia
-Borderline personality disorder
-Psychotic depression
-Schizoaffective disorder
-Catatonic schizophrenia
-Paranoid schizophrenia
-Disorganized schizophrenia
-Undifferentiated schizophrenia

No godmoding, no powerplay.
This is fairly obvious and should not need explanation.

For the love of god, please be literate.
Spellcheck your posts. Write them in Word if you want; that way you can save them in case something happens or you just really like that post. Make sure you have a reasonable understanding of the human language. Also, please use symbols you would use to write a book. There is no nead to color-code your post, and asterisks are completely unneccessary to describe what your character is doing.


Follow the ToS.
Also self-explanatory.

To request to join, you must include three to five sentences about pretty much anything.
This is your chance to show off your mad writing skillz. It doesn't need to be in character. Hell, it can be about your creepy neighbor if you want, just make sure to include some good diction, and no simple sentences.