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This is a roleplay guild for serious and at least semi-literate roleplayers. It's also a nice little hangout for when there's not RPing going on, with an OOC (Out Of Character) thread, as well as a chatterbox thread.

We ask that members be active. Some roleplays in production are a Resident Evil based RP, and an RP based on Dungeons and Dragons, and your standard Inn and Bar RP. We also have a completely non-serious corporate RP, and as people join you can be sure to see more. For beginners we even have a roleplaying practise thread. Finally we invite people to create your own RPs, we are a bunch of dedicated gaians, and we've got nothing else to do.

If you don't think this is for you, but know of someone who might be interested, please refer this guild to them. We hope to see you here!

If you have any questions please either PM Taver Char, or Eclipse of Shadow (As both Omika and Kei have PMs disabled). Or better yet post in the Questions and Comments thread in the guild. We have a small guild fee of five gold and are always looking for new members. Have a nice day ^.^

NOTE: This Guild has no affiliation with the game "Oblivion" This does not mean oblivion RPs cannot be started, or it cannot be discussed, but we ask that people do not simply request to join because they like oblivion. Thank You.