Hello there....

As the name suggests, this guild is all about randomness.... some of the topics suggested herein are

and of course...RANDOMNESS!!!!!!!!!!

If none of these topics apply to you, then make up your own!!!!!!!

This guild is currently under construction/rennovation, so i may be a little slow getting back to you...but once this guild is up and running, i will be holding contests...so you might get some gold!!!!!!!!

To qualify for this guild, all you have to do is tell me a little bit about yourself and about what your interests are... THAT'S IT!!!!!! Pretty easy, right?

I will admit there are not many people in here...that's because of the rennovation and the fact that this guild is new... so join up!!!!!!!!! You will be charged 20 gold for membership...a small price to pay for so much fun...

So go ahead!!!!!!!! Apply for the fun that you will find only at Randomness Galore!!!!!!!!!!!