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. : : K n i g h t s C r o s s : : .

" The next time you open your eyes, the world might have already changed "


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Welcome new student.

You have been selected to join one of the most prestigious and
private shools around, where you will find other students of equal talent and brightness.

The campes is devided by two classes; the
Night class and the Day class. Most of our new students
will be in the Day class, for only truly special and gifted individuals may enter the Night class.

This is where your life begins.

User Image C o d e o f E t h i c s User Image

User Image R e s p e c t: Be nice and respect your fellow students.
User Image A t t e n d a n c e: Being active, especially in a roleplaying guild if very important. Please remain active or you may face expulsion.
User Image L i t e r a c y: Please be literate. A good Roleplayer is someone that has posts of more than a few sentences.
User Image N o M a r y S u e/ G a r y S t u: When you make your character, please make sure it is a healthy one. Mary Sues are not permittied.
User Image K i l l i n g O f O t h e r s: You are not permitted to kill another's character without their concent.
User Image G o d M o d i n g: This inculdes students from the Night class as well. God moding of your character is not allowed.
User Image R P C h a r a c t e r s: Each person may only use one character when roleplaying.

We are currently looking for people to play the rolesas the cast from Vampire Kinght.
If you are interested then please check the guild forums for more informating on how to apply.
If you have any more questions, please contect one of the Guild Vice's.

The important thing here is to have fun and enjoy yourself. Welcome once again to
Cross Academy, we hope you enjoy your stay.

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