Demonica Academy: RP.
Season 2
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The first year for the student's was something unexpected,

but who is to say the second year gets better?

The students are entering they're second year into the school and new and shocking things will

happen into each and every students experience of the school. They have gone through romance,

battles and even giving birth, who is to say something else might not happen? Only time will

tell as the students enter once again Demonica Academy!


Hello and Welcome to Demonica Academy: A New Year. Here we have the previous students from the
first yearas well as the new students that you can make and play.

You can be more than one person, but you must

in order to submit the Character Skeleton in order to RP. You can act in any

Gender, Race, Orientation, and Age. Just remember to post in the Subforum Character Skeletons

with this completed form:

Character Name:
Pictures: (If your character transforms, please include all looks here)

~Words From Amaya Suzunami~

Hello, here at Demonica Academythere are no classes.

We accapt anyone who feels rejected in the real world.

We accept all races and sexualities. We don't care who you are.

Come join us, you may find new friends waiting for you beyond our gates

or maybe you will find the person of your dreams. Students who were in the first year DO NOT have to Reapply.

Thank you,

Amaya Suzunami.

~Words From EltonOnline~

Welcome to the second year of Demonica Academy where things get crazy. School is not the only

concern of the students as things get ugly for everyone. You will see unexpected battles, much

more romance, and even things that will keep everyone guessing as new members come in, the

previous ones joins and the imagination of the people shake this place about. Warning: Creators

of characters are to be warned that things get hectic, do not hesitate, just imagine the other

character is in they're boxers and laugh at them while simultaneously coming up with a way to

make your character look more cool, but do not write down you see them in they're boxers, for

that will imply your gay, lez, bi, or straightly perverted for thinking such a thing in the

first place. You have been warned!



-Follow Gaia T.o.S.

-No God modding (fighting is encouraged, but you must get hit once in a while)

-No Cybering (romance is accepted, but skip sex scenes)

-For OCC, use [] or (( ))

-You CANNOT start posting unless Character Profile is up. PM EltonOnline for Character Profiling.



~Character Profiles~
Please remember to post your character's profile in the sub forum entitled Character Skeletons. DO NOT PM THEM TO ANY OF THE CREW OR CAPTAIN AND VICE CAPTAINS!
Thank you and have a great stay.