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~.about this guild.~

This guild is dedicated to gathering fans of the Kingdom Hearts series main heroine-Kairi. Here, fans can gather and talk about the young girl without the fears of being bashed, made fun of, or ignored. Even if Kairi is not your favorite character in Kingdom Hearts, if you enjoyed/liked her character, please feel free to join.


1. No Kairi bashing please. Yes, you should like Kairi if you join a Kairi fan guild. This is not a revolutionary concept here, alright? Bash Kairi somewhere else, or be immediately banned.

2. Be respectful. If you don’t want people cursing you out, then return the favor. And if you do want people to curse you out… well, still don’t do it here, alright? Two warnings of disrespect, and then the third strike, you’re out(banned).

3. Keep things organized and on-topic. Right now, there aren’t any real subforums, however there will be (one day. :XP smile . Therefore, keep semi-on subject in a particular future-subforum or topic. Break this rule multiple times, and you’ll first be suspended, and if that doesn’t fix the problem of offenses, then you’ll be banned.

4. Follow the Gaia ToS. Myself and many fellow Kairi fans would greatly appreciate it if you would not have this guild suspended. This includes anything said that’s over PG-13 content or cybering.

5. Stay somewhat active- I expect and seriously hope that you have a life outside of Gaia…(seek help somewhere else off of Gaia if you don’t have a life outside of Gaia) However, the stump the guild is in is because of a lack of activity, of which I am also guilty. So, there will be a minimum posting limit of five posts (per month) and a new-member probation period (more details on the latter further down). Members will be kicked out (not a permanent ban, but they will have to re-submit an application) if they are not active enough.

6. Minimum cursing- people who curse every other word look incompetent, and no one can understand or cares to understand what you’re saying if you curse too often. It looses its appeal, excitement, and efficiency if one curses too much, alright? If sufficient warnings have been given, both suspicion and banning are possible.

7. Be literate- Something almost worse than cursing every other word is using chatspeak as the primary “language” of communication. If you use chatspeak, you look like both a noob and stupid. Do everyone (including yourself) a favor and just type English. If sufficient warnings have been given, both suspicion and banning are possible.

***NOTE*** Punishments can be altered to suit the offense-either to be less or more harsh. This is determined by either a Crew Member or by the Captain/Vice Captain (depending on the situation).


A new rule being implemented to help keep the guild active is the “New Member Probation period”. This period will last the first two weeks from the accepted application date. During this time, new members are expected to post at least three posts a week, and have a total of ten posts by the end of the second week. Note that none of these posts can violate any of the previously mentioned rules. If the new member does not fulfill this requirement, then the member will be kicked out, and will have to re-submit an application in order to try the probation period again. After three failed attempts at the probation period, the member will be permanently banned.

If you've read all the rules and agree to abide by them, please put the word "keyblade" in the application description. (If you didn't read the rules, you're still held responsible for them, so it's really in your benefit to read them.)