By the ocean sits a grand mansion. You immediately notice that the central Mansion is surrounded by many other buildings. If it wasn't for the sign that you saw earlier labeling this as Burtron's Suggah Mansion, you would have mistaken it for an extremely elaborate and wealthy university. Curiosity is too strong for you to resist; you approach the Mansion proper and enter through the grand doors. What awaits you on the other side?

This Guild was founded in February of 2005. Back in its prime, it was bustling with activity. Now, many of the members find themselves too caught up with their responsibilities and priorities to hangout much. But a few people, including the Mansion's owner, do not wish the Guild to become a forgotten relic of the past. Will you join us and reinvigorate the Mansion?

This Guild's primary focus is to provide a fun environment for its guests and residents. Roleplaying, light or serious, is welcome. Light and serious discussions alike are encouraged. Join us to make friends or to pursue a hobby!

We used to have somewhat regular contests, events, lottos, and other such exciting get-togethers. If you send donations to the Lotto mule (you can find the Lotto mule in the crew list), we would love to continue planning exciting events throughout the year!

We would love you to become a regular!

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