With the clash of the elements, dragons and their riders take flight in a war against the Holy Empire. Many brave men and women risked their lives in the tragic war for centuries; trying to earn what was theirs. The land and the right to be free. With their dragons, these brave soldiers cast vengence upon the Empire for the years before- when they thought that everything needed order, and that everything was theirs. The Empire, nothing but scientists and generals working together to create new order for the world; are too pre-ocuppied with themselves to realize the day of coming.

I am Maia. A descendant of one of the fallen members of the Empire's enemy. Me, and several other allies have taken refuge in a small town we had created out of the mountains far off in the forest and away from the Empire. Our presence is completely unknown by the Empire. I, and a few of my friends, set out for survivors in the world of ruin. Brothers and sisters; if you hear my plea, come and aid me and our town and we shall prepare for a war that will change the way the world is now. Back to its normal state before the Holy Empire!