A millennium after the life of Legendary Heroes Lan Hikari and his netnavi Megaman, a young scientist found an old age device known as the PET (PErsonal Terminal) and brought back the age of the cybernet. Many years later humans and netnavis live alongside each other in peace and harmony, until an unknown object in space poses a threat towards earth. The evil being is known as Duo.exe, returning to test the earth's forces once again. As evil netnavis wreak havoc upon earth, ordinary humans follow in the footsteps of warriors long ago and come to be the True Heroes.


1. No cyberbullying!
2. No Godmodding!
3. Pay respect towards crew members and vice captains!
4. Keep it PG-13!
5. Please speak in complete paragraphs!
6. Plese no flaming other members!
7. No links to *bad* pictures! (You know what I mean)
8. No Autohitting unless of a clear higher strength.
9. Noobs, know your place.
10. Lastly, HAVE FUN!

Those who do not follow these rules will get a warning beforehand. If they continue their malicious intents, you WILL be banned without warning. Vice Captains and Crew members are NO exception.