"Future Earth" Today safe and beautiful under it's mighty shields.
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Other city from another colony.
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Federal Marines:
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Federation Commandos:
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It's the year 2900 A.D., the Galactic Colonial Federation or simple the "Federation" [GCF] has finally defeated a string of rebellions reffering themselves as "The Second rising sun." These groups of Extremists and Insurrectionists have been conducting inhumane and illegal genetic expirments on innocent civilians and waged a long and bloody war aginast the GCF. After defeating the evil rebels, an even worse foe had emerged.
Together allied, China and Russia along with several other comminust countriesha formed their own neo-comminust alliance, declaring an "Intergalactic cold war." Attacking colonies, and space stations. Unleashing a new war.
Today Earth had suffered what is called the "Apocolypse" From the fighting. The Earth's only salvation was the advancement of Science and technology along with the coordination of the Federal military leaders. In result,

Earth was almost destroyed.
Today, the Earth is an impressive mix of Burned down technoloigcal post apocolyptic ruin,radation, atomic fire, and the saved civilizations from technology.
And Now, the US,UK,China, and parts of Europe and other countries and parts of the world are covered in huge, powerful, gigantic planetary enegery shields, untouched by the Apocolypse. Many horrible things have occured in the horror's of the Apocolypse. While the Federation continues fighting a war with the Neo-Commiust's in space the Federation is also devoted to rebuilding the world. (As China, and Russia was also saved with thier own sheilds.) Rebuilding has proved very difficult mainly becuase of several abominations, like Goul's and Mutants created from the harsh effects of radiation. While war still rages on in other parts of the galaxy as both Federal and comminust's militaries still employ their various task force and massive fleet to engage each other from time to time, on Earth.

Technology,science and what's going on in the galaxy.

Today, the war still rages in a stalemate. The Comminust's and Russia have claimed their own star system's in space just like the Federation. Each of the Federation's colonies have an strong local acting government of a right wing democracy and republic. Usally receiving guidance from the head government of the Federation located on Earth. Along with colonial militia to protect it's common securities, interest's and freedom acting as National Guardsmen towards the state. As both side's continue fighting in a stalemate.

Technology, and science has also greately improved. Both sides have massive warships, futuristic energy weapons, and even genetic augmentations ect,
Starships are common for businesses and civillians also, traveling safely, in Federal space away from the front lines.
Space stations are also common in both side's spacial control.

Advancements in medical science has also helped mand kind a lot. Humans are generally, stronger, faster, capable of increased agility, and more intelligent as well with stronger immune system's and skeletal protection.
Today a Normal civillain can tolerate at least 5 times the radiation that would killed a normal huamn in 2012.
Our soldiers are given kenetic barries, or "Shields" in their body, to protect them. Shields are common in most cloths as well.
Weapons vary in two types of energy (Lasers,plasma,gauss) and mass Weapons. Much of this unique technology is exclusively available for the military. Civilians also use these applied technologies for research and daily life such as engineering and construction.

FTLFTL Means faster then light. Light was considerably the fastest means of measurement in the known universe. Today thanks to technology, humanity's starships are even able to faster then light.
There are several different kinds of FLT, Such as Element zero FTL,slipspace, and hyperspace.

Space and the rest of the galaxy
About a little over 13 percent of the entire galaxy has been explored and colonized for the Human race. Several planets, creatures, civilizatons and races have been discovered.
Which may not seem like a lot at all, with space being so big and waste all of human space may seem infinite if not for FLT travel.

Today, and right now the Galactic Colonial Federation is still at war with these "Neo-Communist bastards." But something else has happend. During a period of exploring, gathering intelligence on the commies, and searching for new territories by Federal reconassaince drones and probes, a new galaxy has been discovered. Along with this new galaxy a new faction, the Human race form a new galaxy, advanced just like the Federation! Reconaissance reports have also had identified another faction known as "The Dark Ages (TDA)". If this discovery wasn't amazing enough, in our galaxy an alliance of different mutants, aliens and even humans! Known as the Crimson Red Empire. (CRE)
Realizing that Humanity isn't alone. Or Humanity hadn't even come from Earth! The Department of Intelligence has established a program as a part of the United Nations to rsearch the cultures of these factions along with unifying man kind as well. First contact has not yet been made with the CRE, TDA, or even any other known civiliations. Still several garrissons of Federal Marines and fleets had been dispatched to the out rim of the galaxy along with the other newly discovered galaxy to establish the GCF presence in these other worlds. The total amount of servicemen and women pressed into service outgrows over several billion within GCF territories along with millions of reservists. The GCF still continues to expand and advance it's military capabilities. However, the Federation has prepared itself to make peacful but a powerful prescence as they make contact with these new worlds and their inhabitants and is fully capable of fighting an all out war not just against the communist but around the galaxy if it comes to it ...