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. the guild .

About the guild
Homestuck is a webcomic that I deeply enjoy and of which I'm sure many other people take great enjoyment out of reading. Because I was unsatisfied with the other Homestuck guilds I found on gaia, I decided to rectify the issue of not having an active Homestuck guild by my own hands.
I mean for this guild to be a general gathering place of fans of the series. You don't have to have be caught up with the series to join, but I'm not going to safeguard your poor unsuspecting eyes from any spoilers spoken by your fellow members. There will be various chats, roleplays, games, contests, and opportunities to have a lot of fun and make a lot of friends.

Right now
We are running a donation drive. Anyone who donates to the guild or to the guild account below, Sburb, will be entered in a raffle to win The Great Old One at the end of the month.
We also recently added a guild chat space for all of our members to hang out. We offer the ability to organize zOMG meet ups, a sub-forum for roleplaying, and another sub-forums to show off your fancy cosplaying and fan art.

To donate to the guildUser Image
Remember that one time when I said I will eventually beg, kick, scream, and sob incoherently to ask you to please not donate directly to the guild? This is that time.
We currently have over 100,000 gold in our guild's account. We can only use that gold to buy new sub-forums (of which we don't need any at the moment) and send guild announcements (which are only costing me 55 gold at this time). We can't take any of this gold out of the guild account, so it's very nearly useless until we can use it up on announcements.
Therefore, if you could donate to our lovely guild account that you can see to the left, that would be awesome! This account will be used exclusively for saving gold to fund contests and other fun activities! And, anyone who donates will be noted on in our guild as a kind and giving person (unless they otherwise state they'd not like to be mentioned).