This guild was made for gaians who are into anything or

everything and just gaians who want to meet other gaians. We hope

that you all will enjoy this guild and will help us by participating in it


1. Follow Gaia's ToS
2. No racist or sexist comments
3. Do not degrade or insult anyone
4. Post or vote at least once in this guild
5. Respect the owners and the MODS along with all other members

fill this out

1. how did you find this guild?
2. will you follow our rules and the ToS?
3. will you participate at least once?

Guild Captain(angie-4-u)

User Image

Guild Vice-Captain (Eis Drache)

User Image

Guild MODS


User Image


Worthless Life

User Image

*if you have any questions please feel free to PM Miss Angela Christine, Eis Drache, or one of the MODS. We will get back to you a.s.a.p.