The world order of yesterday has collapsed. After the wake of the Great Hole's terror, large expanses of desert areas now flood the planet. Whole nation's have disappeared with the collapse of capitalism, it's substructures, networks, and the already very real ecological damage of the Shift. The events unfolded so rapidly that the world grew into chaos as the survivors are left to witness the consequences of humanity's sins. The Dystopian period remains a vision of anarchy and death as life on Earth remains at a standstill.

In time, humanity would rebuild itself, the Restoration period introduced the creation of small communities and a system of bartering. When radio operations came into usage, communities became towns and cradle cities began to form, adapting to the changing world. Oral history led the restoration period, as knowledge of the old became the pretense for the new world.

With the rise of the Neovictorian elite, the New World created new heirarchal structures and cities. Dictatorships begin to form and the new world begins to take a drastic turn as power becomes limited to only a few, mercilous beings. Power is everything, and in this dystopian world, thousands are left to fend for themselves against the remnants of what used to be.

Airship Constantine was formed out of this post-apocalyptic world. They are travelers, comrades, family, and refugees hunted by a repressive government thirsty for blood. But, what brought this particular cohort together was survival. In the face of dangers beyond imagination, we take to the skies to watch the world crumble under it's own weight and to be there when it happens. Come join the Resistance and fight for freedom, justice, and the renewal of a world lost to it's past. Welcome boys and girls to the world of Constantine!