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Dark Rose ❁ Academy
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Keep it PG-17 (romance is allowed, but If there is a make out or sleeping with someone please censored it and no details.)
✧ You may create up to as many as you can handle
✧ All meals will be prepared to the liking of each creature
✧ Announcements will be made through a speaker icon
✧ I will also give the time
✧ No bully others
✧ No fighting
✧ No killing (Unless you get consensus to do so.)
✧ No leaving school grounds without asking first
✧ You may have an relationship with other students or another character of you own
✧ STAY ACTIVE!!!!!!!
✧ your creature may look anyway you like say if you a werewolf you can turn into a wolf like in wolf's rain same with vampire like having red eyes, please no SPARKLES!!!!

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-How do I join?
Dark Rose Academy is a guild for every kind of roleplaying sexualities and beings, anyone is eligible to join the guild as long as they are at least a semi-lit. to lit., roleplayer. That means that you do not just post sentence-long replies and you do not use ** for actions.

To ensure we gather literate to semi-literate roleplayers, you will be expected to answer these questions in your guild request form

1. How active are you?
2. Will you stay an active member?
3. How literate are you?
4. Why do you want to join?
5. How did you find out about us?
6. you'll have one week to respond to your acceptation, if not you will be removed, or give a good reason why you weren't able to.

Any further questions? Please PM one of the guild captains. (If any at the time. If not message Lelouch Kitty, Or Yuuki-Kitty