In your join request please give me two good reasons as of why I should accept you into my guild. You do not have to put reasons if I send you the link and ask you to join. Oh and if you see somebody has a spelling error please don't post in their role play just to tell them what they misspelled! That is one of my pet peeves!

~ Obey the captain and Vice-Captains at ALL times
~ No God-Modding
~ Keep it PG-17
~ Have the RP type in the correct sub-forum
~ Obey Gaia Terms Of Service
~ Proper grammar; No "txt tlk"
~ Keep cussing to a minimum
~ Don't clog up a role play with Out Of Character chat
~ Make a role play characters thread in the sub-forum for them
~ Have fun

Note I will change the rules if needed. Please don't make me have to. I am usually a really lenient person. But if you get on my bad side I will change the rules.