
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him. I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man commeth unto the Father, but by me.(K.J.V.)

Are you lost?
Got questions that nobody seems to have answers for? Or will have answers for? Just need to be pointed in the right direction?

Try G.P.S. God's Plan of Salvation!
Look to God in all things, and let Him be your guide.
It work's, and is a great way to find your way Home when you leave this one.

This guild is open to Teens, as well as Young and Mature Adults. It doesn't matter what your faith is, as long as you believe in God the Father, and Jesus the Son; Our Master, Lord and Savior. Follow the Holy Spirit in all things. Eyes on Christ Jesus.

This is not a 'unity' project. I'm not trying to be part of group that is trying to unite Jews and Christians and Pagans and alternative lifestyles thing. Again, I'm not going to tell you what to believe, but that's not what we're here for.
This is not a 'feel good' ministry. No fluff, no leavening, no candy coating, no warm fuzzy things, no kidding. We're not going to soft soap things for you. In doing so, it might get a little rough sometimes in here. But all MUST be done with the love of the Messiah Christ Jesus. *If you post, state it clearly. AND SITE IT WITH SCRIPTURE. I'm not talking about a few lines taken out of context. Give it some substance. Stating what version you use helps, as well. That way, there's none of this, 'that's not in MY Bible, so it can't be right!' Not here, guys. And don't try to peddle man's doctrine here. Cite it for reference, but not to sell. There's plenty of other guilds where you'd be more comfortable, if that's the case. We're here to seek God's Truth. Bare-bones scripture. If you're here, its obvious you've had enough of 'man's truth'. Be gentle with each other, though. The stray babe still on the Milk of the Word should never be turned away from the Father.
If your feelings are hurt by something that was said, you should have expected it. But, before you go off in a huff, test it! Pray about it! Search for the RIGHT answer in God's Word. You may find it where you least expect it. But whatever you do, stay strong in our Lord. Up in arms because no one hears the truth you have? Test it! Make SURE you have the Truth. Because - 'Iron sharpens iron' (the Book of Proverbs 2717.). And remember, its not our opinion that's necessary. Its His. We're only here to plant the seed. Let God the Father take care of the rest. After all, we're all at a different place in this Walk...
For those with ears to hear and eyes to see...
Don't be afraid to post or ask. That's how we learn. Don't worry about offending people with what you learn, and are convicted through the Spirit to share. Be more afraid of offending God in our complacency or pride. Don't worry about being offended. You probably will be at some point. Don't worry about not being here enough. To be honest, if you are getting closer to God and Jesus, you'll find less reason to be on this site, or the internet in general. Amen. Don't be afraid to get run off. One, Christ Jesus received worse. Two, if you've upset your church/congregation/assembly/etc, test it against His Word. If you're convicted by the Holy Spirit that its true, more will follow without you trying to convince them. Pray that its of Him, for many will be deceived in the last days.
Got all of yer armor? (See Ephesians chapter 6 for more details.)
Your sister in Yahushua Messiah,
~MetalWallflower - v.c.
And your brother's in Christ Jesus,
The Scottish Knight -crew.
Woodlyn Fairee - v.c.
The Hudson Hawk - Captain of guild.
*Just remember James 1:5, If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally, and unabraideth not: and it shall be given.
Romans 7:6, - We have been delivered from the law...so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit.
2Corinthians 12:9, - My strength is made perfect in weakness.
Mark 10:44, - Whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all
"Even Jesus, the Son of God, did not come to be served, but to serve" (The Book of Mark 10:45).
*All of these Scriptures can be found in your King James Version of The Holy Bible - We learn in this guild from God's Holy Word and in His Word and from His Word; only then will we become blessed. So let us praise God for all things great and small created by Him, and be thankful for His Son Jesus who died for our transgressions and sins to give us the gift of Salvation and eternal life with Him and God the Father in Heaven and glory!
*This is your guild as well as soon as you join.
*Your comments, thoughts, and ideas are always welcomed and encouraged to post in the proper forum for your post.
*Please be kind, polite and thoughtful of others, as well as try to be encouraging, when replying to a post, even if you totally disagree with it. We are all adults here and we need to act as Christ-like as we possibly can be towards one another.
*THERE WILL BE NO TROLLING OR SPAMMING OF ANY KIND OR SITE OR GUILD TO's, BE BROKEN AT ANY TIME BY ANY ONE - MEMBER OR NOT IN THIS GUILD. Oh, and NO 'SAVING JEWS'! None of that mess here. Unless they feel that it's a part of their teshuva, they should already be where they need to be in their walk. Got it? Otherwise, might just as well dig up Y'shua and Mosheh, and tell them, "yer goin' ta HELL!!!" Seriously? Just... don't. 'K?
*Feel free to contact any staff members by P.M., at any time for any sort of problem or questions or issues. Your P.M.'s will be kept confidental, and answered as soon as humanly possible. Thank you and God bless you all.