~~~ WELCOME ~~~

Now to start here is a summary of how many people may think or feel when they start their first day and their last days of HIGH SCHOOL!!!!

As the approach of my first day became near, I’ll take a moment to admit that yes, even outgoing me, was nervous. High school was seen as a big deal back then. I’d see the older girls going to school out of dress code (so cool at the time). Or I would be at the local hang out, Desert Ridge, and see one shopping with her older, really cute, boyfriend. Needless to say, I was not the only one so skeptical as to where I would fit in there.

Freshman year, though thought to be difficult, with the hasty transition and all, actually was not so bad. Between the upperclassmen Ignite Mentors that played silly games with us during English class, my crazy English teacher Misses Sherry; who could never say my name correctly, and the group of friends I found those first few days of the year, being at the so-called pit of what we call high school, was not bad at all. Each year brought on more challenges and more fun.

Sophomore year was when I and my group of close knit friends seemed to unravel. Why, still seems to be a mystery to all of us. We all say it’s for different reasons, boys, class changes, choices made, one of them moving away… it could have been anything. But I did not let this event sadden me. I quickly found people I could relate to and hoped that one day my old friends and I could not be so crude towards each other, which happened soon enough.

With the rockiness most of my friendships had endured, I was excited to find that junior year brought me the friends who, as I’m getting ready to graduate, I will not let slip from my mind. Although the hardest scholarly, junior year socially brought all kinds of excitement.

At the start of senior year I am excited to say that high school has lived up to all hype that middle school gave it. Sure, there’s been sadness, mistakes, and let downs, but you can’t forget the good times, and you can’t ignore the photographs you took. High school is an experience. I believe we should all make the most of it.

Now after that, it's time for the RULES!!!!!

1.) Follow Gaia's Rules!!! That is a big thing!!! My actual Rules are built on that!

2.) Now one thing that really bugs me, is God-modding. Nobody is PERFECT!!!! So just post what would really happen, not just what you want to happen!

3.) Respect the Captains and the Crew, and of course The Other MEMBERS. If you start mouthing off to someone else I will tell you about it and if you do it again (Which would be stupid) I will ban you.

4.) PLEASE!!!!!! HAVE FUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

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Now, here are some High School Quotes and Jokes that I found...

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