Welcome to my little spot in the Netherworld. Huhuhu~

July 9: I am looking helpers.

You have stumbled across The Dark Assembly, a guild where fans of Disgaea and other Nippon Ichi games (Rhapsody, La Pucelle, Phantom Brave, etc) can chat and roleplay.

Upon joining the guild, please head on over to the Introduction thread and introduce yourself, as well as declare your class. For now, demons can choose the following classes:

* Fighter (male and female)
* Cleric (male and female)
* Mage (female only - red, blue, green)
* Skull (male only - red, blue, green)
* Brawler (male and female)

Members of the Assembly can go up in rank with the different things that they do, and unlock other classes that they can take later. This has not yet been implented, but hopefully will soon.

If you're in a roleplaying mood, feel free to join the current guild event RP thread, or start one of your own. Currently, the only official RP event is Disgaea related, but you may start any RP you wish (La Pucelle, etc).

Have fun in the guild! And if you have any questions, just ask your friendly Overlordess, Achan. domokun