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This guild is for all the fans of Angel, Buffy, Roswell, Smallville and Charmed. So if your a fan of one of the shows or all of them then you can join, and if you have friends that do like one of the shows or all of them. So tell them about us and they can join if they want too. See back in 2002 there was Angel, Buffy, Roswell, Smallville and Charmed going on at the same time on the wb and I thought about I'll do that for everyone.

Please don't ask to join if you don't plan on posting, we only want active members.

Rules Of The Guild

1 – All Gaia TOS Applies
2 – Respect your fellow members
3 – All profanity must be left at the door
4 – All threads/posts/discussions must have a PG-13 rating [meaning no perverted comments]
5 – Try to use well thought out grammar.
6 – Please keep Bumping to a minimum.
7 – No spamming or flaming.

Note For every sub-forum there will be another list of Rules and
Guidelines please read them before posting.

Note please when you apply for the guild write at least four sentences of why you want to join, thanks.

Don't stretch pages, don't quote large first posts and/or pictures.