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Have you come to howl with us? Welcome to the elemental wolf packs. Each pack here has it's own way of life and it's own element. The four elements are the four packs, fire, air, water, and earth.

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The wolves of land are fast and quick. They don't need other packs because they depend on each other for strength not others.

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These wolves are fierce and will not turn down a fight. They don't like the wolves from other packs and they hate the wolves of Water Pack.

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These wolves are not afraid of the water, they are one with it. Water wolves are the only wolves that can swim. They go with the flow, and never back down for what they believe in.

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These wolves are one with the sky. Whether they fly with wings or not, it does not matter, the sky is theirs. They law of 'Gravity' does not apply to them.