"So you have found me... I am the Ever-changing Thurible! Within my walls you will find an ever-changing playground. Toys ranging from discussions to bump and spam threads; from quests and sellers to freebies; from role-playing to games, contests, and more! I, the Ever-changing Thurible, change to accept everyone. I do however have one small thing to ask of you... Please follow my small list of Rules. There are only a few to follow so please do."

1) Please follow Gaia's TOS.
2) Please follow each individual threads rules which can be found on the first page of each thread.
3) Please respect everyone and their opinion.
4) Please notify Lovelie Fennikusu or any of the other Vice-Captain of anything wrong.
5) Please Have Fun!!!!

"Thank you for following these simple rules. Should you have any troubles or ideas please tell them to my head crew"

Captain Lovelie Fennikusu
Vice-Captain (M) ___
Vice-Captain (F) ___
Vice-Captain (M) ___

"Now that you know my head crew please come check out what is going on inside my walls with the eyes on my walls it's a great way to see what everyone is up to inside my walls."

Eyes on the wall:
Most posted in thread ___
Most played game ___
A Contest up ____
Newest Thread ____
Ideas Thread _____
Say hi: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=23585321

"Now that you know some of the things that happen inside of my walls meet my Affiliations with some other cool guilds"


link to major affiliations with a few quick words about each

"Thank you for taking this small journey with me. I hope I shall be seeing you around. Please, go and enjoy yourself behind my walls."

~The Ever-changing Thurible