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Liberal (adj.) –
—Synonyms 1. progressive. 2. broad-minded, unprejudiced. 3. beneficent, charitable, openhanded, munificent, unstinting, lavish.
—Antonyms 1. reactionary. 2. intolerant. 3. niggardly.

This is a community created for Christians who realise that “liberal” is not a dirty word, and who are tired of Christianity being the poster-child for intolerance and exclusion.

The aim of this guild is to provide a safe-haven for those of the Christian faith with socially and politically liberal views, however, we also welcome those of non-Christian and/or more conservative persuasions, provided that they join for the purpose of intelligent and civil discussion rather than flaming or ego-stroking.

We require our members to be literate, tolerant, and willing to learn. In your join request, please include a few sentences about why you wish to join and why you believe you would be a welcome addition to our community.